Dupondius Games

Roman Republican Coin

The dupondius (Latin two-pounder) was a brass coin used during the Roman Republic and Roman Empire valued at 2 asses (4/5 of a sestertius or 1/5 of a denarius during the Republic and 1/2 of a sestertius or 1/8 of a denarius during the time of Augustus).

The dupondius was introduced during the Roman Republic as a large bronze cast coin, although even at introduction it weighed less than 2 Roman pounds (librae).

The initial coins featured the bust of Roma on the obverse and a six-spoked wheel on the reverse.

A loaf of bread or a sextarius (c. 0.5 L) of wine cost roughly one dupondius at the height of the Roman Empire, though due to the debasement of the denarius over the following century, the dupondius was discarded.

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